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Thread: Petulant child.... err.... I mean V. Rossi

  1. #1

    Petulant child.... err.... I mean V. Rossi

    Just when I'd finally started liking Rossi after god-knows how many years of thinking he was a tool, he goes and says this:

    Honestly, some people just shouldn't be allowed to be successful (I'm looking at you, Tom Cruise, and you Casey Stoner).
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  2. #2
    Weekend Warrior CBR42's Avatar
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    Some kind of mind games to get Marc to disappear into the distance and leave Rossi to hack it out with Lorenzo.I'm guessing.Pretty desperate one if it is.

  3. #3
    Doubt very much any of the aliens(casy included) have a lot of love for each other.
    Strange how marc pulled a last lap miracle tho....
    Pedrosa and crazy joe looking like clean racers with their recent battles.Rossi's block passes backfired on him so i think there were games allround.
    For me the way doohan crushed them all on and off the track.

  4. #4
    Rossi will have a another special Drudi design helmet for the last round.
    It will resemble a tin foil hat

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Senior Member Marty's Avatar
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    Marquez has DNF'd 5 races this season, Rossi should be sucking his ****

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  8. #8

  9. #9
    Weekend Warrior CBR42's Avatar
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    Wow,just wow.Rossi just lost his f#%^n mind.Real world would be instant black flag.

  10. #10
    Back of the grid for next race.

    Stupidly light penalty. Just too much money in it for the right decision to be made

  11. #11
    18:40 in the full race replay - when JL overtakes VR into T1 shows a yellow flag out ...

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Binksy View Post
    Back of the grid for next race.

    Stupidly light penalty. Just too much money in it for the right decision to be made
    Game over ... Jorge is WC ...

  13. #13
    Rossi's a dog.....

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  14. #14
    Admin Turbo's Avatar
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    Irena posted this on FB... If you look closely you can just make out Rossi's foot slipping off the peg:

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  15. #15
    Senior Member Linden's Avatar
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    Not a fan boy but ...

    1) I don't see the kick (foot off after touch)
    2) Marc turns down on VR .... Why yes the track edge was near but BIG run off area ... Again why
    3) Crap sportsmanship (by VR)
    4) VR cranked a kids handle and got harassed for it ... WHAT was he expecting here
    5) VR in the past has owned other riders - SeteG, Max - in the mind games here he just looks STUPID

    Still don't understand why MM turn into VR ... just stand it up and watch VR get Booed

  16. #16
    Wide range of reactions ...

    MM was riding like a dick to block VR. VR gave him looks of warning & MM didn't accept. You try ride on outside & catch, it's what happens — Josh Brookes (@JoshBrookes) October 25, 2015

    Twitter is very quick to jump to conclusions on the Rossi-Marquez incident @MotoGP it takes two to tango.. — Jeremy McWilliams (@McWill99) October 25, 2015

    Can't say I not happy that happened. @marcmarquez93 riding a second slower than he could just to mess up @ValeYellow46. Stay out of it — andrew pitt (@andrewpitt88) October 25, 2015

    If anyone else had done what Valentino did we would have been black flagged immediately, no questions asked. — Casey Stoner (@Official_CS27) October 25, 2015

    Think if It was any other rider they would of been disqualified from the race for sure... #justsaying �� #MotoGP — Carl Fogarty (@carlfogarty) October 25, 2015

    It was cheeky/dirty of Rossi. No doubt. But he never meant a crash. He was running him wide,ruining his exit and making a point. End of... — James Haydon (@speedyhaydon) October 25, 2015

    Fans of one or the other will be outraged... I'm just upset that a great year has degenerated to unsporting behaviour #MotoGP 2/2 — Keith Huewen (@KeithHuewen) October 25, 2015

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Linden View Post
    Still don't understand why MM turn into VR ... just stand it up and watch VR get Booed
    Totally agree ... it was an unnecessary crash ... hey MM is Spanish ... and so is JL !!!

  18. #18

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    Irena posted this on FB... If you look closely you can just make out Rossi's foot slipping off the peg:

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  19. #19
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    Marquez could fall off a chair right now if it wasn't bolted down, wonder how he rides a bike.
    VR carrying a bitch fight onto the race track is just outrageously bad character but he didn't kick MM.
    MM was trying to race, VR was running wide looking at MM, MM leant on VR to make the turn and crashed on his own just
    when VR tried to brush him off with his knee.
    Both loose
    VR looses fans.
    MM cant ride for shit.

  20. #20
    I think Rossi doesn't want all his fanbois to jump ship and support MM after he retires. This way MM is now the villain and Rossi's minions will forever see MM this way.
    The smack VR spoke earier in the week. He knew exactly what was going to happen. This way he loses the champ and says "I lost cause of MM". If this didn't happen he would have to say JL was the better rider.

    And for sure you can see his leg kick. What a dog.

  21. #21
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    This way VR's fans will jump ship before he retires.
    MM has a way better personality than JL and DP, up there with VR, that's what VR's really afraid of.
    Losing crown of most popular. Battle of the loved ones.
    I don't think VR's foot left the peg, it was just his knee, didn't cause MM to crash, it just looks real bad because of the timing.

  22. #22
    hahaha watch the super slow mo replay... marquez picks up the gas and literally head buts rossi's knee. Visor gets a close view of rossi's slider and rossi's foot pushes into marquez's brake lever. At this point Rossi was looking into the corner after making his point of running him wiiiiiiiide
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  23. #23

  24. #24
    misguided youth Little Mick's Avatar
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    just when he had pulled his head in and started to show some maturity.... he goes back to being a grub....

    he started the week out throwing the threat out then goes on to take it onto the track and display this unprofessionalism. the racing till then was tight and clean...

    Cant see a way for him to redeem himself.. even acknowledging ownership wouldn't do it as it would be all about getting people to say "see, he is a good guy.."

    Not the way anyone wants to end their career - but this is his own doing... he isn't new to mind games.... interesting that this one has backfired..
    Last edited by Little Mick; 26-10-2015 at 06:03 PM.
    Life's too Short- YOLO!

  25. #25
    I seriously cant see the kick... And IMO the slomo shows MM shoving his shoulder into VR after being pushed wide. Is pushing someone wide a dirty move? Maybe. Is it illegal? Obviously not. Is slowing someone down to complicate their championship chances a dirty move? Yes, if you're not a contender or the teammate of someone who is. Is it illegal? Again, no.

    So whilst there's no clear way to determine who is 100% at fault, it's blatantly clear that whether VR pushed him or not, it doesn't matter as it's not illegal and we see it time and time again. MM does it, Stoner did it, VR does it...

    Now, some ppl will say it was dangerous. And I agree. But so was MMs overtake on Bautista when he pushed him from the side and even broke his brake disk. No action taken there by race control. And even though race control stated that last weekend's incident was not all VRs fault, he was the only rider penalised. Sending a bad message IMHO.

  26. #26
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    Watched the race this morning and Il correct myself VR's foot did come off the peg just before MM went down.
    MM is saying that VR kicked his arm and brake causing his front wheel to lock.
    3 penalty points issued, With a total of 4 penalty points he has to start from back of grid at Valencia.
    He doesn't loose any points off his championship tally but MM gets 0 points for Sepang. That's wrong.

  27. #27
    misguided youth Little Mick's Avatar
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    VR claimed his foot slipped off. Very conveniently. ...

    This all started with his bogus claims last week. If he was that good then he should have been able to beat MM at the claimed tactics. He had plenty of opportunities to be in front. He chose to be a grub

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  28. #28
    When I watched it live, I thought VR was in the wrong as well... but when you watch the slo mo it's clear his foot does not slip untill AFTER the contact.

    But even if it didn't, MM knows Rossi is racing for the championship and he's not. Stay out of it. Not saying he should just give up the place but to slow your pace down by 1sec just to destroy someone else's race is a LOT worse that even getting pushed out IMO.

    MM is an incredible rider, at this point the best in the sport I think. He's been in it long enough to know better... If he was the one racing for the throphy does anyone think he wouldn't have done anything to stop another rider intentionally destroying his chances?

  29. #29
    LOL people must be blind. The slow motion video perfectly sums up what happened. Marquez rides into Rossi head first. Head hits knee and arm hits foot, the foot comes off and makes contact with Marquez's brake lever causing the crash. Yes he shouldn't have run him so wide but I highly doubt he would KICK someone off a bike... He would have probably fallen off too if he did so. To say he kicked him off the bike is just plain stupidity. No im not a Rossi fan, but I don't think he would kick someone off a bike, his running wide move was already enough of an on-purpose demonstrative procedure.
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  31. #31
    Admin Turbo's Avatar
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    Great article, Rick!
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  32. #32
    Senior Member Linden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by senator8 View Post
    Well summed up ... thank's for sharing

  33. #33
    misguided youth Little Mick's Avatar
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    great write up !!!!
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  34. #34
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  35. #35
    So apart from the St George round there's another race that some people are talking about.
    Even without the penalty I'm not sure Rossi has the form at Valencia. Especially with 3 fast Spaniards.

    2004 1st
    2005 3rd
    2006 13th
    2007 RET
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    He'll be praying for the sort of weather we're having.

  36. #36
    Admin Turbo's Avatar
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    Such a crappy way for the champ to be decided, however it works out..
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  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Krackeye View Post
    So apart from the St George round there's another race that some people are talking about.
    Even without the penalty I'm not sure Rossi has the form at Valencia. Especially with 3 fast Spaniards.

    2004 1st
    2005 3rd
    2006 13th
    2007 RET
    2008 3rd
    2009 2nd
    2010 3rd
    2011 RET
    2012 10th
    2013 4th
    2014 2nd

    He'll be praying for the sort of weather we're having.
    Well, if he repeats last years effort he wins it... hahaha

    On a serious note though, I can't see that happening... He might even get a top5 but then he needs to pray for HRC to lock out the top2 which I don't think will happen since MM will probably let Jorge through.

  38. #38
    misguided youth Little Mick's Avatar
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    In essence if he can do no worse than 2 positions behind lorenzo then he wins? Given the 2 hrc Spaniards expertise at Valencia it may actually be possible..

    Will definitely test his determination and everyone will be watching so he will need to keep it clean at the same time
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  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Ed View Post
    Well, if he repeats last years effort he wins it... hahaha

    On a serious note though, I can't see that happening... He might even get a top5 but then he needs to pray for HRC to lock out the top2 which I don't think will happen since MM will probably let Jorge through.
    Yeah. last years was a funny wet/dry race. he needs something similar.

  40. #40
    I'm predicting Rossi will have his penalty points suspended until next season by the CAS and qualifies on the front row. Lorenzo prangs and Rossi wins the title. I wonder what odds Sportbet would give me on that one?

  41. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by chicken16 View Post
    I'm predicting Rossi will have his penalty points suspended until next season by the CAS and qualifies on the front row. Lorenzo prangs and Rossi wins the title. I wonder what odds Sportbet would give me on that one?
    Lorenzo was paying $1.32 to win the WC last time I looked. If I had a lazy 100k I'd chuck it on for a 33 k return. Unfortunately I've spent all my money on motorbikes, so I don't

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  42. #42
    If Vale got a 3 point penalty then Chubb should get 50 points for his SMP take out. No such thing as penalty points here. Maybe Vale should race in AFX ��

    At least Vales was intentional and not just bad riding
    Last edited by Sponge Bob; 05-11-2015 at 09:04 PM. Reason: Changes

  43. #43
    Thanks for your kind considered comments ! that is all i have to say lol

  44. #44
    I completely agree SpongeBob, I saw chubb Kick him from where I was sitting at Start/finish... They should implement a control ecu for dangerous riders and just give them 30 less hp so they arnt close to anyone going into t1...
    AKA Tumbleweed #52

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  45. #45
    Admin Turbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sponge Bob View Post
    If Vale got a 3 point penalty then Chubb should get 50 points for his SMP take out. No such thing as penalty points here. Maybe Vale should race in AFX ��

    At least Vales was intentional and not just bad riding
    Who shat in your cornflakes?

    I think the only way the motogp champ will settle down is if Rossi still wins it from the back of the grid.
    If ANY other variation occurs, there will be outcry about who was wronged and what should have happened.
    It seems the whole field was given a talking to, by the 'Permanent Bureau', in place of the press conference, to try and claw back from the way things have deteriorated. Hopefully it'll help as I'm sure the press conference would have been a shit fight! I hear that the riders have also been told not to talk about Malaysia either.
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  46. #46
    Admin Turbo's Avatar
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    I also hear that the temporary bureau refuses to be drawn into the debate...
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  47. #47
    Quote Originally Posted by Sicko View Post
    I also hear that the temporary bureau refuses to be drawn into the debate...
    At least it appears they are partially open to ideas.

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