Quote Originally Posted by Marty View Post
Yeh I know, as I mentioned earlier in the thread, I had close to zero engine braking, it was like pulling the clutch in with the front brakes. So T1, T2, T9 every lap was stuffed I'd bomb in with no mechanical grip at the rear, I could've cried. Every race from the exit of T12 to the exit of T2 I'd lose places/distance then make it up, lose ground again at T9, make it back up just in time to do it all again.

I really shoulda pulled the clutch out of it on Saturday night, but turns out I didn't have enough spares anyway. The main cause of the problem from what I can see was the clutch springs have sagged along with the stack height wearing down and was engaging the slipper way to easily. I think I've been abusing the clutch hard in the course of learning how to take advantage of it.

Look how glazed the plates were (bottom) and after (top)
Mmmmm, toasty!