Quote Originally Posted by Carl-52 View Post
Ha that was a great day everyone!!! Sssshhh dont tell stu23, but i could have actually had a go at passing him into turn 6!!! (im faster than him from 6 through the new section) Stuck with dad "pushing" (obviously not quite up to speed) for about 4 laps then got stuck in traffic! Thanks to Nelso for the tips and watching me ride/giving me something to follow (have you seen Oggy's photos on fb??). Passed Alex Cudlin twice!!!! (he was coaching, but it still counts) Also, Mum and Sisters timing has always been accurate and they got me at 2:13 with traffic!! SOOOO Stoked with that improvement as i was doing 2:18's last time and its only my 5th time ever on a Roadbike!!
Great going Carl, your times have tumbled. Must have been the tow I gave you.