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Thread: PP Tuning Brake leaver protectors

  1. #1

    PP Tuning Brake leaver protectors

    Finally all of my PP Tuning brake leaver protectors have come in there $85 each let my know if you want one.

  2. #2
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    I will post a photo of mine when I get it next week

  3. #3
    Cheers they look pretty good I'm putting my one on tomorrow and my new sliders.

  4. #4
    leaver protector

  5. #5
    And the new low profile crash knobs

  6. #6
    Is it just me, or is that brake lever going to connect with the side of the protector before it is fully depressed?

  7. #7
    No it doesn't and you can adjust it across the length of the suppled bar end.

  8. #8
    Optical delusion

  9. #9
    Yeap I think so lol not the best photo though

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by CLIFFY View Post
    Is it just me, or is that brake lever going to connect with the side of the protector before it is fully depressed?
    +1. It certainly looks that way.
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  11. #11
    it doesn't I promise it's just very close

  12. #12
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    very close

  13. #13
    I can set it with a bigger gap but I like it like that I think it looks a little neater

  14. #14
    What about brake fade during a race? Lever will depress further and make contact...

  15. #15
    Just run shorty levers
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  16. #16
    It's not that close and yes shorty leavers are an option but I like the stock leavers for the track bike and I run PP Tuning shortys on the road bike.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Jashdown View Post
    What about brake fade during a race? Lever will depress further and make contact...
    this! 5 laps on a hot day and I'd bet that lever touches...

  18. #18
    It had about 4mm clearance so probably not.

  19. #19
    It would on my bike... even running SRF600 (or something that sounds like that! hahaha) it will get over a cm of fade.

  20. #20
    I just measured it. It has 2.8cm of horizontal adjustment so you should be fine.

  21. #21
    I'm sure I would, I run levers that are adjustable in length anyway...

  22. #22
    Awesome well you should probably buy a leaver protector now then hahaha

  23. #23
    I will when I go racing again... unfortunately for both of us that won't be for a while :(

  24. #24

  25. #25
    That just sucks, Ed. Why aren't you healing?
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  26. #26
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    He didn't buy a replacement collar bone that's why!!

  27. #27
    I would like to address that question to the (countdown from 10... calmer now) awesome Doctors of Australia. I love this country, I really do. But good Lord the health system has a lot of catching up to do in my experience...

  28. #28
    Moderator BoB's Avatar
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    Here is the one i installed on the cbr , fitted on the woodcraft clipon . I have put a slight bend in the arm to match the arc of the brake lever.

    Cbr 600rr 07 track

  29. #29
    Looks good

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Ed View Post
    I would like to address that question to the (countdown from 10... calmer now) awesome Doctors of Australia. I love this country, I really do. But good Lord the health system has a lot of catching up to do in my experience...
    At least it's free and available to all, Ed. Unlike the mighty US of A, where they are about to shut down the government because a vocal minority strongly believe that only the rich should have healthcare. If you want better service here, go private. This should be as good as it gets (exxy though, as I can attest with my shoulder. They did a damn fine job, but).
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  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Ed View Post
    I would like to address that question to the (countdown from 10... calmer now) awesome Doctors of Australia. I love this country, I really do. But good Lord the health system has a lot of catching up to do in my experience...

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Marshy View Post
    At least it's free and available to all, Ed. Unlike the mighty US of A, where they are about to shut down the government because a vocal minority strongly believe that only the rich should have healthcare. If you want better service here, go private. This should be as good as it gets (exxy though, as I can attest with my shoulder. They did a damn fine job, but).
    Don't get me wrong, it works for most part and like you said, you guys get it for free (I have private health cover as I'm not a citizen) so it is not all bad. But that's nothing saying there's no room for improvement. I've been to the ER 5 times in 10 years of Australia with only the last time being there for my own injuries (collarbone) and every single time we had to wait over 3 hours to see someone. Surely there's room for improvement there.

    Like I said, I do have private insurance but when I first went in (straight from the track) I didn't have my card on me so public I went (and paid for it). The Doctor that saw me said: "no need for an operation... just go home and try not to move it" I SWEAR TO GOD I even had to ask to get some sort of arm sling because she was happy to send me home wearing the one they "made" for me at the track. I asked if I could get an operation done and she replied "no Dr will do that for you unless you're an athlete. It will leave a nasty bump on your shoulder and you have a small chance of losing some mobility but you'll get used to it". Then came back 2 weeks later with the health insurance card, Dr looks at my x-ray (same one I took on the day of the accident), asks me nothing, tells me to go home and come back in 8 weeks if I'm not healed. God knows why I even had to go there then...

    So yeah, there's room.

    I've only been to the ER once in the USA but it was almost like walking into a NASA lab... lol It would have cost me a house if I didn't have insurance though.
    Last edited by Mr.Ed; 01-10-2013 at 09:52 PM.

  33. #33
    Yeah the ER is not great, but half the time the wait is so long because people rock up with such minor injuries (like splinters and shit in their ears) that it clogs up the system. I went into the ER with a gash in my head and blood showing and they put me straight through, it all depends on how serious they determine your injury to be.

    But yeah the public system is pretty meh, I had an accident and broke my humerus quite badly which also caused nerve damage, they refused to do surgery because they thought it might get infected, it took 3 months for the bone to properly knit together, and now, almost two years later I have a huge lump in my arm from the bone not healing directly in line. I'm 100% sure that if I went through private health, I would have got surgery straight away and had a properly healed arm and shaped arm within a couple of months.

    The bonus though is that I didn't pay a cent, luckily my parents had ambulance cover though, otherwise I would have been hit with a $2k fee.

  34. #34
    I completely agree, actually. I'd forgotten how lousy the the ER is! Also, with my shoulder, I had the same experience - the public system sent me home with no treatment, and the private doctor operated immediately, saving me from a lifetime of limited mobility and a wonky posture!

    Wetty made an interesting point after my trip to Westmead from turn 3. He said that it's vital to get yourself to hospital (a friend drive you or whatever), rather than be transported in the track ambo (which I was). Of course, not if you're dying or spurting arterial blood, but in every other case. Then, when you arrive, you have had a bicycle accident, NOT a motorcycle accident. This avoids the massively inferior 2nd class treatment, the snap judgement and lengthy lectures about the dangers of motorcycles. I wouldn't have believed it until I experienced it, and I tell ya that next time I will drag myself on my hands and knees to hospital, rather than be dealt with as a motorcyclist again!!
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  35. #35
    Yep, Wetty told me the same thing and when I crashed people told me that too... so called the gf and she picked me up from Wakefield and drove me to the hospital in Sydney where I told them I had a "mountain bike" accident. The Dr that saw me happened to like mountain bikes too and started asking lots of comments about it, nearly got caught but played my best "sorry, my English is not very good" card hahahaha then again, at least I didn't lie!

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Ed View Post
    "sorry, my English is not very good"
    Ahahaha! That's tops!

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  37. #37
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    PP Tuning Brake leaver protectors

    Well got it fitted after a VERY long wait.

    Just to let you know Tristan, the brake protector needed to be a smaller size to fit on Marshy's clip on. I put some tape around the clip on so it's all good

    Last edited by chubb; 04-10-2013 at 08:30 PM.

  38. #38
    Looks good mate I'm sorry again about the wait

  39. #39
    Now I just need to:

    a) ride
    b) pick up my pace considerably

    and then, we can bang farings!

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