Well gentlemen, much talkings! I went backwards before I went forwards in my transition from 600 to 1000, took a while but for me it was a combination of different riding style, and I agree with most of what's said here, you carry more speed into the turn, go deeper into the turn and square it off and fire it out. Also you have to be a lot more physical with the bike, way more. Much more input. Knee into the tank, pushing it over with the knee, weight on the pegs, pulling on the bars to get it up. Yes to using back brake, my tuition day with Glenn Allerton was worth every cent. Squeezing on the back brake out of most of the turns settles the bike, keeps the front wheel down and allows you to pull full throttle. A sometimes daunting thing on a litre bike. But last year, thanks in a large part to Glenn, I dropped 3 seconds a lap with more to come. This has also helped my confidence to which plays a massive role in how much you're willing to twist the throttle and how much you squeeze your levers. Get tuition gentlemen is my best advice.....

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