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Thread: The Rebuild

  1. #201
    Senior Member Saturnalian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubb View Post
    Over 4 nights. Mostly allowing stuff to dry and bogging is the most time consuming.

    And fuck it I'm gonna wrap it.

    Too lazy to prep it properly and repaint it.
    I've found that the 3m stuff is easier to apply because it's a breathable vinyl of sorts that lets you deal with pushing air bubbles out really well.
    It can be a complete PITA to work with if you're not in a totally zen mood. Don't rush any of it.
    I must admit that when I get home tomorrow to finish "the project" I'll be getting Pro vinyl to wrap it for me.

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  2. #202
    I used a pin to pop the damn bubbles ... my first attempt involved 3 hours of swearing ... how much does it cost for an expert zen master to do the wrap?

  3. #203
    Senior Member Saturnalian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phat3R View Post
    I used a pin to pop the damn bubbles ... my first attempt involved 3 hours of swearing ... how much does it cost for an expert zen master to do the wrap?
    At the moment too much but we're negotiating

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  4. #204
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    That's why I'm gonna do it my self.

  5. #205
    Senior Member Saturnalian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chubb View Post
    That's why I'm gonna do it my self.
    I hear you but as i finally get to spend so,me serious hours on the Clubsport project i'm treating the wrap as a reward.
    That one last thing that i couldn't be arsed doing my self after cleaning, replacing, renewing, every bearing, seal, bolt and bit on the Clubsport bike and almost the same again on my current bike.
    I feel like if i need to add any more tasks to the build schedule i'll just sit on the floor, have a little man cry and throw up in my shoes for a couple of days, or at least until the bile dries up.
    Its been an awesome thing to take on, but as soon as you stray from whats stock bolt on and OEM, the learning curve becomes incredibly steep.
    At risk of fucking up the outward appearance of an incredibly detailed build, someone else can wrap it this time.

  6. #206
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    Hey Jamie

    It's not as good a professionals but pass the 20/20 rule

    All painted

    Final result

    Will put some stickers on it as I really like the R6 stripe design that I had on. But less of the stickers down the bottom and a lot more simplified. Will post up final pictures of the result. My other bike will be done the same way as I have a referral from my mate at work that funky car skins can do it for free! When I get it that is

  7. #207
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    Also was a good day at WP

    Getting very consistent with my times but just still need that little bit more

    Thanks for the tow Mstevo but you're still pulling away every lap!!

  8. #208
    That looks really, really good, mate!!

  9. #209
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    Sticker-ing in progress

  10. #210
    Senior Member Saturnalian's Avatar
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    Nice one Chubbstar. I don't have the dexterity for that level of finish. Looks great !!

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  11. #211
    Looks fantastic mate
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  12. #212
    Looks pretty professional to me ... you taking orders?

  13. #213
    That looks great , Carl has been on about carbon wrapping, so it must be this stuff you have used ? Looks great When he sees this hes going to want to try it im sure

  14. #214
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    It's very time consuming Stu!!

  15. #215
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phat3R View Post
    Looks pretty professional to me ... you taking orders?
    Sure why not??

  16. #216
    Looks great!

  17. #217
    Rancell, that looks really sweet.
    Where you source the vinyl and how many pieces were used for that bellypan?

  18. #218
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    I just did the belly pan in two big pieces.

    I got them from the local bloke here

  19. #219
    Thanks mate. Again, nice work.

  20. #220
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    The Rebuild

    Had a good day at SMP today. Lots of traffic but was getting good tips from Aaron Morris. Helped me with my lines and general riding fine tuning. Good bloke!

    Ps they should get rid of the full circuit and run GP for all future ride days.

  21. #221
    Since I'm not doing many track days my opinion counts for almost nothing... having said that, GP Circuit FTW!!!!!!!!!

  22. #222
    Quote Originally Posted by chubb View Post
    Ps they should get rid of the full circuit and run GP for all future ride days.
    Then on one would use it! besides MEGA make mega $$ out of it, other wise he'd put the prices up again
    I'll be interested to see what happens to his prices when Luddenham gets up and running
    2007 Yamaha FZ1 Championship winner (2012) (the tank)
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  23. #223
    MEGA used to make mega bucks out of it, but not so much any more.

    Luddenham will be awesome! It's just a real shame they didn't make it a kilometre longer - it could've taken over as Sydney's premier circuit! Even half a kay would've been a big improvement. That said, I'm still REALLY looking forward to it opening!!
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  24. #224
    Quote Originally Posted by Mstevo View Post
    he'd put the prices up again
    There are rumours floating around that this might be happening anyway (what does a fleet of BMW S1000RRs cost, anyway?). And that more changes are happening for the running of the days there.

    I get the distinct impression that home base isn't too pleased with how the Sydney side of the operation is performing.
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  25. #225
    Is Luddenham going to be a bike track also? looks like a gokart track to me!

  26. #226
    Supermoto is mentioned but will be too short for road racing i think

  27. #227
    Thats what it looked like to myself, SM would be fun

  28. #228
    There's a kart track separate to/in addition to the main circuit. The main circuit is 1.25kms long. The kart track is shorter, obviously.

    They have a vague plan for Stage 2, which would extend the main circuit to 2.2kms. Had they made it 2.2 in the first place, it could've hosted major meets (Wakey is 2.2km).
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  29. #229
    1.25 is probably shorter than the South circuit, no???

  30. #230
    sydney base for mega was doing heaps better than the melbourne section. So they (not naming names) decided to move the melbourne rules and methods up here :( soooooooo stupid and no one at sydney base was happy about it

  31. #231
    Plus ARDC keeps imposing new rules for smsp, so mega has to comply to those rules (concerning photography, video, timing, flexibility, tracks etc)

  32. #232
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    So how does ARDC track days allow filming and timing devices?? One set of rules for Mega and one set of rules for them?

  33. #233
    Yep, also the dude from Melbourne thinks its a smart idea that will prevent people from racing each other ... lol

  34. #234

  35. #235
    Quote Originally Posted by Carl-52 View Post
    Plus ARDC keeps imposing new rules for smsp, so mega has to comply to those rules (concerning photography, video, timing, flexibility, tracks etc)
    That there be bullshit, young'un. It is only MEGA that cares about photographers (as Keithy pays them for exclusivity). Also, it is completely MEGA's choice which track they run (GP versus Brabham). They mostly choose Brabham as they are allowed an extra 5 riders per session on track at a time (40 max on GP, 45 on full). So that's 20 extra full-fee-paying punters = $$$$ for MEGA. The available dates are allocated by ARDC, but that's it.

    The timing and videoing is a condition of the MA Recreational licence that MEGA run under. No timing allowed (and by using video you could then time from the footage). You need an upgraded licence to run timing, not a Recreational one.

    However, ARDC days are not run under MA (and incidentally it's not mandatory that MEGA use MA, either, unless it was part of their contract for being awarded the exclusive rights to run track days). So on ARDC days there is NO insurance from MA (anyone actually read the fine print?). So if you cark it or are totally and permanently disabled at an ARDC day, you won't get the small payout that you would otherwise get from MA (eg at a St George race meet or a MEGA track day).
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  36. #236
    So do you thing there will ever be racing on the full track????
    I do today what people won't so I can do tomorrow what people can't

  37. #237
    I would prefer not... but seeing as they have racing on the South circuit, I can't see why not as to me that's the part of the circuit that I wouldn't really like to race on.

  38. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazabuzz View Post
    So do you thing there will ever be racing on the full track????
    I've raced on it before. It was just annoying - the whole new bit is single file (even though you'd think the hairpin would be a classic overtaking spot, it isn't at all. Everyone just took a really narrow entry). And the time it takes to go around on sighting and warmup laps is just silly.
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  39. #239
    That was just what I've been told and heard whilst working at smsp ride days!!!!! O'lord marshy may I have forgiveness for my transgressions?? :p

  40. #240
    Thy be forgiven, my son. Now go forth and lap faster.
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  41. #241
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  42. #242
    Moderator chubb's Avatar
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    Got my keyless mod finally sorted.

    Thanks to Marshy and Carl.

    Will post up a how to soon.

    Marshy btw the way I did it involved one more wire so is it a possibility that the flashes can be different??

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