Here's another link for anybody else reading along with this. It comes from a review article on three different capacity of sportsbike and how each approaches going fast...

"The Kawasaki ZX-10R initially jumped to the top of each of our test riders’ top-picks list, its straight-line speed making up for their inability to get aggressive early in the morning and carry midcorner speed, which would prove the secret to quick laps on the 600 and 750.
More than our test riders’ late-bird personalities, what this highlights is the different riding styles necessitated by larger- and smaller-displacement bikes.
Quick—and safe—laps on the 1000 are a matter of rolling the bike through the middle of a corner and then standing it up as soon as possible so that you can get on the gas.
In contrast, the 600 must be ridden aggressively and the throttle opened as quick as possible—as early as before the apex—to carry as much corner speed as you can."