So I ordered the Virb Ultra30 from yesterday and it arrived this morning. Unfortunately they sent me the handlebar mount I ordered for the earlier version so it won't attach to the camera. On the upside, these fit all the GoPro mounts so I ordered one off eBay which should be here soon. Not wanting to put 3m tape all over my road bike I ran around the block with it to get an idea of using the compatible IPad app. This was sooo easy to use, even for someone who is computer illiterate like me. Adding speed, g's and an outline of the route is easy as. Lap times would be just as easy if I had gone around the block more than once. After using all types of cameras over the years, this is by far the easiest to use along with having the best features ever. Even the switch to start recording is big and will pose no problems for gloved hands. For those interested, I checked pretty much everywhere for one of these and the above business was the best overall - not the cheapest but not far off and great reviews. They are giving me a refund for the incorrect part the sent me. Now I just have to get to the track with it!