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10-11-2014, 02:01 PM
Gary when down in the last race of the day 600cs(race No12) going into turn 4 racing Wetty and Chubb for 1,2,3 ... I understand he was on the front wheel only for a long time and then face planted ... last Heli of the day - bunch of contradictory statuses / injuries were mentioned (Crosby just wanted to go in the heli - for the ride not to be with dad)

But if anyone hears please let us know ... in the 400/TS/etc I believe the guy whose engine let go has a broken pelvis but again it got like Chinese Whispers out there ... I'll put up some vids on the weekend including me thanking the stars that I missed a gear into 6.5 and hence arrived later and slower at 8 (still got into the oil for 5 meters but stayed on track)

EDIT-Just relooked and I bloody well OBJECT FIXED .... Opps

10-11-2014, 02:08 PM
Which incident?

the one involving the last CS600 race. He was up the front with PGM and myself.

pensioner rates
10-11-2014, 02:12 PM
Hi guys,
What a weekend it was mostly gut churning and then gut wrenching when we called the choppers.
Yes now it's all over and we think about the incidents there are many points of view comming forward.
Let me say this that all of the marshals and flaggies do their best to enable you all to race.

There are a lot of new flaggies and they are needed to man all the corners the tower can't see, we mostly have two flaggies a point but usually 1 is not experienced and it's all new to them and the other may not know about what safe racing lines and breaking is.
We are briefed to what to do at the marshals meeting and we have our points and look foward to the next point you guys flash past and we are watching for crashes only in our sector it happens as fast to us as it does to you.
Man I'm lucky to see my mates and I look for them to see how the incident unfolded or happened is near impossible.

As Marshy said if your uncomfortable riding wit
h a guy see the clerk of the course and fair and immediate action will be taken to see safe and fair racing.I know the work the officials of St George do and they are competent looking out for you first and the good of the club.
Guys I have a little gripe to you riders .
When you see the red flag the guys going fast slow and put a signal to the guys behind and get in the exit quickly so we can get the ambo out. Too often guys would continue to the back gate ok the first few for safety get past me but ten more?.....??? And then you all slow and continue like Browns cows , ok you have seen the red flag ,well giddy up and get off the track the back markers catch up please do it safely but catch up. It may be you next time we are trying to assist.
Yes I know it's really not much wasted time but every second feels like an hour when your flaging.

Cheers guys im happy to flag and do anything to help the club meets run and that gets you riders out there and that's the thing your riders give each other room it takes time to be a racer and most will never achieve it. Ride the club races safe.it helps you, helps other riders and makes my job easier.

10-11-2014, 02:21 PM
Fyi, I've heard 2nd hand that Spilly has broken ribs and collarbone, and a punctured lung. He was choppered out.

Yeah, he confirmed that to me via text earlier. He is in Westmeade and talking to Johnny-B's mate, the surgeon who operated on me earlier!
He's aware he was charging T2, and said personally he needs to 'Calm the fuck down'!

10-11-2014, 02:23 PM
Yeah, he confirmed that to me via text earlier. He is in Westmeade and talking to Johnn-B's mate, the surgeon who operated on me earlier!
He's aware he was charging T2, and said he needs to 'Calm the fuck down'!

well we all make mistakes and we learn from it.. no one is perfect.

10-11-2014, 02:30 PM
Hi guys,
What a weekend it was mostly gut churning and then gut wrenching when we called the choppers.
Yes now it's all over and we think about the incidents there are many points of view comming forward.
Let me say this that all of the marshals and flaggies do their best to enable you all to race.

There are a lot of new flaggies and they are needed to man all the corners the tower can't see, we mostly have two flaggies a point but usually 1 is not experienced and it's all new to them and the other may not know about what safe racing lines and breaking is.
We are briefed to what to do at the marshals meeting and we have our points and look foward to the next point you guys flash past and we are watching for crashes only in our sector it happens as fast to us as it does to you.
Man I'm lucky to see my mates and I look for them to see how the incident unfolded or happened is near impossible.

As Marshy said if your uncomfortable riding wit
h a guy see the clerk of the course and fair and immediate action will be taken to see safe and fair racing.I know the work the officials of St George do and they are competent looking out for you first and the good of the club.
Guys I have a little gripe to you riders .
When you see the red flag the guys going fast slow and put a signal to the guys behind and get in the exit quickly so we can get the ambo out. Too often guys would continue to the back gate ok the first few for safety get past me but ten more?.....??? And then you all slow and continue like Browns cows , ok you have seen the red flag ,well giddy up and get off the track the back markers catch up please do it safely but catch up. It may be you next time we are trying to assist.
Yes I know it's really not much wasted time but every second feels like an hour when your flaging.

Cheers guys im happy to flag and do anything to help the club meets run and that gets you riders out there and that's the thing your riders give each other room it takes time to be a racer and most will never achieve it. Ride the club races safe.it helps you, helps other riders and makes my job easier.

Thanks to you and your colleagues work over the weekend.
Excellent work all round. Thanks for the tip on flags, will deff take onboard.

Little Mick
10-11-2014, 03:44 PM
Then report it to the clerk of course. I think it was at T2, wasn't it? There's one flaggie down there, and almost 50 bikes going through at once after a race start. They can't see much with all that going on, and are only looking for incidents requiring a yellow flag. They can't be expected to monitor/police/judge riding behaviour. Race control can't see T2 at all (ditto anyone on the roof etc), so they aren't watching either.

Fyi, I've heard 2nd hand that Spilly has broken ribs and collarbone, and a punctured lung. He was choppered out.


A bit late to report it when the guy is in hospital. A quiet word politely should be sufficient. It appears the response that was given in this situation that cam mentioned was not as endearing.

I don't know spilly and this is not specifically directed at him as there were others out there who took risks and may have been spoken to by the receiving party. ..We are out there racing with mates and we want all of us to come out of it in one piece and grid up next race. When someone says xxxxxxxx then at least consider it from the other party's perspective. Taking their nose off or not giving sufficient room to brake and turn safely or ramming it in and hoping for the best achieves nothing helpful. Having to winge to control about your fellow racers is not how people want to go about racing.

A little more sportsmanship rather than arrogance would do all of us the world of good.

But hey.. what do I know... i just don't like seeing my mates get hurt

Ps.. hope you recover Ok spilly.

Little Mick
10-11-2014, 03:48 PM
well we all make mistakes and we learn from it.. no one is perfect.
Hopefully Rancell. ..sometimes my stubbornness gets in the way...[emoji17]

10-11-2014, 04:19 PM

A bit late to report it when the guy is in hospital. A quiet word politely should be sufficient. It appears the response that was given in this situation that cam mentioned was not as endearing.

I wasn't though. He had a quiet word said to him at the last St G race meet at EC about going into T2 like he's ten-pin bowling. And that was from the quietest, most softly spoken and mild-mannered gentleman racer I know. Spilly told him to 'fuck off' that time too. I was right next to them at the time of the exchange. It then happened again at Broadford (I hear; I wasn't there). So he hasn't learnt from any of these 'quiet words' and needs some authority coming down on his ass. There are a couple of other people (that shall remain nameless at this point) who I am seriously scared to share the track with.

The overwhelming majority are well-behaved, and absolutely mistakes are made in the heat of the contest all the time and by many of us, causing accidents and injury to others. This is not what we are talking about. The repeated dangerous riding by an individual should be addressed. Currently it almost never is (nobody wants to be a (dobber), and innocent people pay the price. Fuck that. It's not MotoGP. Ride to a standard, or get off the track.

10-11-2014, 04:21 PM
I'll just add that I've switched classes previously, to avoid two individuals who were my pace but a danger to themselves and others. This is not golf; it's life and limb.

10-11-2014, 04:23 PM
Also, I think it's actually much better to go and see the CoC rather than go and yell at another racer. They should hear about it from officials, and have their right of reply, without resorting to heated name-calling in the pits.

10-11-2014, 04:57 PM
Also, I think it's actually much better to go and see the CoC rather than go and yell at another racer. They should hear about it from officials, and have their right of reply, without resorting to heated name-calling in the pits.

This I agree with. It is the CoC whom you should see if you have any disagreements with any riders.

Lets Torque
10-11-2014, 05:06 PM
well we all make mistakes and we learn from it.. no one is perfect.

Talent out weighing ambition or is it the other way around ? Feel free to tell me where to go - but its the lack of conscience that gets me!

At the end of the days its club racing PPL, we all have families to go home to! Racing hard is one thing but remember its only tupper ware and bragging rights at the end of the day PPL...

My 2c

10-11-2014, 05:58 PM
Talent out weighing ambition or is it the other way around ? Feel free to tell me where to go - but its the lack of conscience that gets me!

At the end of the days its club racing PPL, we all have families to go home to! Racing hard is one thing but remember its only tupper ware and bragging rights at the end of the day PPL...

My 2c

Was that aimed at me?

10-11-2014, 07:50 PM
Talent out weighing ambition or is it the other way around?

Was that aimed at me?

Doubt it - you've got equal doses ;)

Little Mick
10-11-2014, 08:59 PM
I wasn't though. He had a quiet word said to him at the last St G race meet at EC about going into T2 like he's ten-pin bowling. And that was from the quietest, most softly spoken and mild-mannered gentleman racer I know. Spilly told him to 'fuck off' that time too. I was right next to them at the time of the exchange. It then happened again at Broadford (I hear; I wasn't there). So he hasn't learnt from any of these 'quiet words' and needs some authority coming down on his ass. There are a couple of other people (that shall remain nameless at this point) who I am seriously scared to share the track with.

The overwhelming majority are well-behaved, and absolutely mistakes are made in the heat of the contest all the time and by many of us, causing accidents and injury to others. This is not what we are talking about. The repeated dangerous riding by an individual should be addressed. Currently it almost never is (nobody wants to be a (dobber), and innocent people pay the price. Fuck that. It's not MotoGP. Ride to a standard, or get off the track.

Also, I think it's actually much better to go and see the CoC rather than go and yell at another racer. They should hear about it from officials, and have their right of reply, without resorting to heated name-calling in the pits.

I know the gentleman you refer to Marshy, and you are absolutely spot on about him being the most gentlemanly person out there. I was told about the discussion you mentioned, but hearing it second hand (even if from the gentleman himself) I didn't think it appropriate for me to refer to it.

I guess the issue is when someone chooses to "ignore" the feedback, then how does the next person know that it was ignored and go straight to CoC? Instead we all go straight to CoC every time we don't like the way someone rides or got a bit close... most of the times I have raised it with somebody or someone has come to apologise for something they did (I'm too soft to do it to others....), we laugh it off and get to know each other a bit more and have more fun...

I don't disagree with talking to CoC, but it would be nice to deal with it more amicably...

actual scenario - names withheld for obvious reasons but those involved will know who they are and I'm happy to be called on it if I described it incorrectly.

One rider in our garage had a word to another rider who dropped in to our garage late in the day about chopping his nose off during a race. The recipient of the word did not realise that he had chopped the other riders nose and was taken a little aback when he heard it.... now that person is aware of it I'm sure they will give all riders a bit more braking zone etc. If not, then there may be a CoC involved if it happens again based on the above.

I'm sure the person involved appreciated being made aware of the situation (albeit to their surprise), to consider the situation next time. If the person had gone straight to CoC and not given the feedback, then I'm sure they would have been less receptive to the feedback.. (Yelling the feedback probably wont work either)

We are friends out there (for the most part :o) and should be able to deal with it. Again, its not Moto GP and not worth risking life and limb on it...

10-11-2014, 09:03 PM
Was that aimed at me?

Don't think so! You're not a crazy rider.

11-11-2014, 05:29 AM
I expect an apology for a mistake.
If one doesn't find me, I make an official complaint.
If I get punted onto the grass again on the access road I'll be going home with more teeth than I turned up with.
Enough said.

11-11-2014, 03:17 PM
yeh i saw that one Cliffy, couldnt believe what was going on there, all just to get out first for qualifiying.

Little Mick
11-11-2014, 03:37 PM
Anyone in particular?

11-11-2014, 03:46 PM
vids people vids

11-11-2014, 03:52 PM
I expect an apology for a mistake.
If one doesn't find me, I make an official complaint.
If I get punted onto the grass again on the access road I'll be going home with more teeth than I turned up with.
Enough said.

yeh i saw that one Cliffy, couldnt believe what was going on there, all just to get out first for qualifiying.

Anyone in particular?

I got my nose cut off plenty of times... it was a little nerve wrecking

11-11-2014, 05:29 PM
Was a pretty crazy weekend, some seriously dicey passes at the back where Carl & I were playing.

Had lots of fun and finally hit a 1:45 so happy days.

Vids o come

11-11-2014, 06:18 PM
Yes first race weekend and playing with big boys in unlimted, add all the air traffic into the mix & needless to say I say a little nervous.
my noise got cut off quite a few times, I need to go faster to cure that, but never felt in trouble, more impressed.
Got past just before t8 by that young kid on that r6! I nearly crashed watching him sideways into t8! never seen that done like that before.
But loved it, will be there for R1 & R2 :)

11-11-2014, 10:08 PM
Yes first race weekend and playing with big boys in unlimted, add all the air traffic into the mix & needless to say I say a little nervous.
my noise got cut off quite a few times, I need to go faster to cure that, but never felt in trouble, more impressed.
Got past just before t8 by that young kid on that r6! I nearly crashed watching him sideways into t8! never seen that done like that before.
But loved it, will be there for R1 & R2 :)

Top stuff mate!! Be warned.... it's seriously addictive! But you know that already from ARDC days. You've also mightily improved in only a few months (why the hell did I take soooo many years to get faster?!?!?) and on a big bike too, not a more forgiving 600.

What's your lap time improvement over the last few months?

12-11-2014, 05:52 AM
Top stuff mate!! Be warned.... it's seriously addictive! But you know that already from ARDC days. You've also mightily improved in only a few months (why the hell did I take soooo many years to get faster?!?!?) and on a big bike too, not a more forgiving 600.

What's your lap time improvement over the last few months?

Thanks Marshy. Dropped 5 seconds a lap since June, doing 45's which is ok lots of improvement still to do & the bike is planted now after new setup.

Hoping for 42's in 2015. But yep racing is very addictive, & itching to get down to ardc in December.

Oh and didn't think I would like the north track, it's great! Fast and follows great.

12-11-2014, 07:50 AM
Was a pretty crazy weekend, some seriously dicey passes at the back where Carl & I were playing.

Had lots of fun and finally hit a 1:45 so happy days.

Vids o come

you weren't at the back

12-11-2014, 11:46 AM
Thanks Marshy. Dropped 5 seconds a lap since June, doing 45's which is ok lots of improvement still to do & the bike is planted now after new setup.

Hoping for 42's in 2015. But yep racing is very addictive, & itching to get down to ardc in December.

Oh and didn't think I would like the north track, it's great! Fast and follows great.

North circuit is great fun, yeah!!
That's some solid time improvement mate. You'll be in 42's before you know it!

12-11-2014, 01:43 PM
you weren't at the back


camera wigged out for race 2 and then I ran out of memory.

will upload the 1 race I do have later tonight

12-11-2014, 01:51 PM
You're telling me....[emoji21] at least with the amount of crashes on the weekend I kept moving up the grid.
I was meaning to ask you all weekend..... How's the new calipers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-11-2014, 03:55 PM
You're telling me....[emoji21] at least with the amount of crashes on the weekend I kept moving up the grid.
I was meaning to ask you all weekend..... How's the new calipers

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


speed lines have me f*cked though actually harder to bleed than using a vacuum (how I usually do it).

I'm actually kind of annoyed as I just sold the bike (pending payment)

12-11-2014, 04:00 PM

I'm actually kind of annoyed as I just sold the bike (pending payment)[/QUOTE]

And then....,

I do have a spare R6 for sale at the moment

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-11-2014, 04:25 PM
And then....,

I do have a spare R6 for sale at the moment

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oooh, a UA!!! You know you want one, Lawson!!

12-11-2014, 04:27 PM
no firm plans yet, I just missed out on the deal of the century on Track Junkie Sales, so just scouting around at the moment.

getting mauled down the straight on the gixxer got real boring on the weekend (and even worse when I made the mistake of running in green on Monday)

12-11-2014, 04:30 PM
I could part with my R6.. it has been very dominant in the CS600s and some 600 races (my talent lacks there)

12-11-2014, 04:45 PM
I could part with my R6.. it has been very dominant in the CS600s and some 600 races (my talent lacks there)

Hmmmm. Going litre-green?

12-11-2014, 05:18 PM
I know the gentleman you refer to Marshy, and you are absolutely spot on about him being the most gentlemanly person out there. I was told about the discussion you mentioned, but hearing it second hand (even if from the gentleman himself) I didn't think it appropriate for me to refer to it.

I guess the issue is when someone chooses to "ignore" the feedback, then how does the next person know that it was ignored and go straight to CoC? Instead we all go straight to CoC every time we don't like the way someone rides or got a bit close... most of the times I have raised it with somebody or someone has come to apologise for something they did (I'm too soft to do it to others....), we laugh it off and get to know each other a bit more and have more fun...

I don't disagree with talking to CoC, but it would be nice to deal with it more amicably...

actual scenario - names withheld for obvious reasons but those involved will know who they are and I'm happy to be called on it if I described it incorrectly.

One rider in our garage had a word to another rider who dropped in to our garage late in the day about chopping his nose off during a race. The recipient of the word did not realise that he had chopped the other riders nose and was taken a little aback when he heard it.... now that person is aware of it I'm sure they will give all riders a bit more braking zone etc. If not, then there may be a CoC involved if it happens again based on the above.

I'm sure the person involved appreciated being made aware of the situation (albeit to their surprise), to consider the situation next time. If the person had gone straight to CoC and not given the feedback, then I'm sure they would have been less receptive to the feedback.. (Yelling the feedback probably wont work either)

We are friends out there (for the most part :o) and should be able to deal with it. Again, its not Moto GP and not worth risking life and limb on it...

hi guys,

I haven't been on here since my last post & I just got up to speed on everyone's input here...

Again, I just want to clarify a few things"

1: I meant no disrespect to Spilly what so ever, it's just the response I received made me think, what an arrogant pig headed selfish egotistical guy. (and when ur in the heat of the moment you reply accordingly)
Which I merely only wanted him to realize the possible outcomes of his manouver's could bring. Nothing more.

2: As with previous comments here about Spilly being approached at Broady ... I had nothing of it there, as it didn't affect me directly, but I did see he was off the track in "Every Race".

3: I will be the first one to put my hand up and agree or reason with another rider, in a civil manner, if I am approached about an incident that I may or may not have caused.
And to prove it, it actually happened to me at Broady, during the 600cc race. I was chasing Mick #117 for most of the race, an (what I thought was an over-taking opportunity) so I tried to outbrake him, and when I was about to tip it in, the front seemed to washout a bit, causing me, and Mick to go off the track, at crash corner, resulting in losing my P3, and Mick his P2. I think I ended up finishing 6th or something.

Immediately after the race, I approached Mick and sincerely apologized to him, and he said "oh was that you?" ... We had a civil convo about it, an went on my merry way, with both of us learning something from it.

Realising I won't be doin that same manouver again.

3: As for the CoC ... I did approach CoC, but he said he will announce my name over PA when he has a chance to see the vid of the "crash".

I am not the type of person that will be ignorant to someone wanting to talk to me ... if there is an issue you feel that needs raising, please, come and talk to me, because with civil dialogue, you get results.

4: And no, this is not what I wanted to do (as mentioned in 1:) but when you get abused for trying to raise some important concerns for all involved, before an incident occurs, one should listen, soak up that info and think logically ... after all ...



12-11-2014, 06:58 PM
getting mauled down the straight on the gixxer got real boring on the weekend

Pffft, I can only wish my bike accelerated as good as yours. Did you not see how many 600s passed my retro 750 on the straight? I lost count of how many riders I passed through the corners in CS600, only to have them go straight back past me on the straight. :frusty:

I will say though, going around the outside of people at turn 11 every lap was a bit of fun. :heh:

12-11-2014, 07:36 PM
Hmmmm. Going litre-green?


12-11-2014, 08:23 PM
Did you get the geometry sorted Nelso?

13-11-2014, 05:50 AM

You will be very happy :)

13-11-2014, 05:30 PM
Gary when down in the last race of the day 600cs(race No12) going into turn 4 racing Wetty and Chubb for 1,2,3 ... I understand he was on the front wheel only for a long time and then face planted ... last Heli of the day - bunch of contradictory statuses / injuries were mentioned

From the BEARS Forum

Hey guys, I'm out of hospital and back at work today. Got me a fancy collarbone race kit plate with 8 screws. The seven broken ribs keep giving me a friendly nudge when I fall asleep on these hospital meds. I think the leaky lung has fixed itself.

Perfect weather, perfect track conditions....must have been the full moon

13-11-2014, 05:43 PM
Good news!! :thumb:

13-11-2014, 07:32 PM
Glad he is ok!!

14-11-2014, 08:07 PM
Did you get the geometry sorted Nelso?

Not yet, I just rode it as it is. Al took 4mm out of the preload adjuster that he made in the forks (to fit the Nelso size springs as he puts it) and gave it a tad more rebound so the suspension is pretty close to the mark now, it just needs to be dialled in a bit more to get it right, but I wasn't going to mess around with it between races in case I made a mess of it and threw it down the road. I still need to sort the geometry and raise the rear a bit though. With the softer front end I raised the front a bit so the forks were 'only' 7mm through and it steered like an ocean liner. :fish2:

I also need to do something about the lack of power, but I don't want to spend any money on it so that could be tricky. It's got a whole 106HP on Harley's dyno, but unless I'm over 10K RPM it bogs down pretty bad trying to accelerate out of corners with my fat arse on it. I think the combined rider and bike weight might be well over 350kg :ohwell: so I might have to put the bike on a diet. :laugh: I still did 46's getting held up pretty bad in the corners so it should still be a bit of fun to play around with the middle of the pack in premodern next year.

Little Mick
14-11-2014, 08:14 PM
I also need to do something about the lack of power, ...... I think the combined rider and bike weight might be well over 350kg :ohwell: so I might have to put the bike on a diet. :laugh:

I know a way to drop that by 60kg..... I could be your sponsored rider .... just sayin.... actually.... I could mount the LC as well as Leanne's 125.... Now we is torquin...:heh:

14-11-2014, 09:11 PM
Nelso, that hp sounds low if RB's dyno reads average. I've got a special race kit from back in the day (AMA etc) in my cv carbs which transformed it and can still be found. Also the stock engine is really sensitive to gearing due to the narrow power band. I went one tooth too long and the difference in pick up between the gears was noticeable, due to each gear just going a little too low and dropping the revs from optimum.

46's nice :)

15-11-2014, 06:58 PM
Nelso, that hp sounds low if RB's dyno reads average. I've got a special race kit from back in the day (AMA etc) in my cv carbs which transformed it and can still be found. Also the stock engine is really sensitive to gearing due to the narrow power band. I went one tooth too long and the difference in pick up between the gears was noticeable, due to each gear just going a little too low and dropping the revs from optimum.

46's nice :)

I read somewhere that they were meant to have 118HP standard, so it would be a bit low if that is the case. It would be nice to have 10 or 15 more, at least I would be able to keep with the 600s at least. It seemed over geared for EC, which meant I had to drop a gear out of 2 and 6 that I should have been able to carry and it was very sluggish up the hill after 5 and from 1 to 2, even in 5th gear. I think it's got 15:45 on it now, which I thought would be ok, but it just doesn't have the power to drive that gearing. Are you still running the standard carbs? I thought you would have flat slides on yours for some reason. I take it the race kit isn't just a Factory Pro kit; do you remember where you got it from?

16-11-2014, 08:50 AM
I read somewhere that they were meant to have 118HP standard, so it would be a bit low if that is the case. It would be nice to have 10 or 15 more, at least I would be able to keep with the 600s at least. It seemed over geared for EC, which meant I had to drop a gear out of 2 and 6 that I should have been able to carry and it was very sluggish up the hill after 5 and from 1 to 2, even in 5th gear. I think it's got 15:45 on it now, which I thought would be ok, but it just doesn't have the power to drive that gearing. Are you still running the standard carbs? I thought you would have flat slides on yours for some reason. I take it the race kit isn't just a Factory Pro kit; do you remember where you got it from?

Yeah, sounds a bit under. I've found with stock engine that 15/44 is about the max gearing for optimum pick up between gears and anything taller drops it too much on the changes. Mine is the factory pro Ti kit. I sent my carbs to U.S for refurb and supply fit kit. Worked out cheaper than just kit fitment cost I could find here locally. Then the locals also wanted dyno tuning time etc etc. The carbs as returned to me, have run perfect from get go and check on the dyno confirmed it was spot on. Let me know if you want the contact details.

17-11-2014, 10:05 AM
Interesting reading this thread :) I am very glad everyone is ok ish ... Just for info for those i dont know of FB, I wrote a letter to the club re this meeting, will be interesting to see if anything comes of it, im hoping it does