View Full Version : Shoalhaven Motorsport Complex

08-04-2014, 11:08 PM
Look like Its going to happen.



09-04-2014, 12:29 AM
The organizers should have some sort of crowdfunding thing going... especially if that meant getting 3.5km track instead of 2.5km. I for one would even stop drinking for a while to help the cause and that's saying something hahaha

09-04-2014, 05:39 AM
Don't scare us, Ed ;)

It says that the track layout isn't done yet, but it will be between 2.5 to 3.5km. So hopefully we will get something on the longer part of the scale.

Sounds unreal!! Can't wait!

09-04-2014, 07:43 AM
So looking at that vid it sounds like Magoo might have some hand in the design and layout. Very exciting!
The dude with the beard and suit seems familiar, anyone know who he is?

09-04-2014, 08:23 AM
Agreed Marcus. And it was doing my head in too, because that dude looks soooo familiar, but I can't work out who he is either!!

09-04-2014, 01:38 PM
I shoulda been a PI.
Daniel Gatt, General Manager MNSW.
I reckon I've met him at a TD or the like. Very familiar.

09-04-2014, 06:46 PM
Be nice if a company other than MEGA was involved and ran track days like ARDC days (minus the cars of course).

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09-04-2014, 06:55 PM
I hope this goes large.They need a decent track to start with rather than one that's to short.Get it right from day one.Probably to hard when it's bound to be designed by a committee trying to please 70 diametrically opposed interests.(sorry for the cynicism,hope I'm wrong)

09-04-2014, 08:24 PM
A racer from Nowra had a picture of the track at WP to-day, it was from the DA currently in to be voted on by council, 3.somthing km long track, $14 mil
certainly looks promising

08-12-2015, 08:59 AM
The shoalhaven complex was granted around $10mil in government funding yesterday.

Just need approval from JRPP and it will be good to go.

08-12-2015, 09:01 AM
Great news!!!!

08-12-2015, 09:54 AM
Would be Great to have three tracks within a day trip.
How's the one up the coast progressing???

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08-12-2015, 10:25 AM

latest complex masterplan

08-12-2015, 01:41 PM
It's been 18 months with council going through their approval process, it's been lost in the too hard basket out the back somewhere :-/

08-12-2015, 07:45 PM
This will happen and it will b sweet.. I grew up in west nowra about a 2 minute drive from where they r gunna build it! Parents still live there. I can't wait.. Stay down the night before then bam... First one at the gates!!!!!

08-12-2015, 07:59 PM
This will happen and it will b sweet.. I grew up in west nowra about a 2 minute drive from where they r gunna build it! Parents still live there. I can't wait.. Stay down the night before then bam... First one at the gates!!!!!

The word I have is Bathurst and Wagga before Nowra, and Bathurst is 10 years away :-( pity the wheels of progress don't turn as quick as our bikes ;-)

08-12-2015, 08:21 PM
The approval went to the jrpp on 2nd of December and was deferred until March next year I think. At that meeting it will either be a yes or no. If it's a yes they will be building straight away. An employee of mnsw told me they had the cash and would start straight away.

If it's a no, they either go back to change it or to the land and enviro court which could take another year.

26-02-2016, 07:06 PM
A call to action.


27-02-2016, 08:01 AM
"Now Is The Call To Action,

As you may be aware, over a number of years Motorcycling NSW has been making steady progress on a very large project in the Shoalhaven area, the Shoalhaven Motorsport Complex.
Over the recent years with the loss of venues such as Amaroo Park and most recently Oran Park, the demand on current motorsport facilities within NSW has increased leading to both limited track availability and rising venue hire costs for promoters, resulting in rising costs for competitors and motorsport enthusiasts.

Ultimately, the Shoalhaven Motorsport Complex will be a multi-faceted facility allowing for various forms of motorsport competition - car, bike and kart, driver and rider training and various community projects such as fun runs, cycling events etc.
At present, the Shoalhaven Motorsport Complex Development Application has been submitted and needs your support. We have today received confirmation from Council that the Shoalhaven Motorsports Complex Development Application (DA) is now formally out on public exhibition (again).

Following the exhibition there will be a determination to see if the project proceeds. There is a $9.5 million grant riding on the outcome, and of course, if it doesn’t happen then we’ll remain with the limited number of racing facilities available to us.
Shoalhaven City Council is asking for written submissions to be made by close of business on 28 MARCH 2016. It is vital that the support for the facility come through loud, clear and positive - please pass on the word to those that you think will be interested, including to all at clubs if you can, and please SUBMIT NOW before it’s too late.

If you would like to know more about the project we have a new updated website - www.shoalhavenmotorsportcomplex.com.au - which has a whole lot of information about the project.
You can also see lots of information and keep up with the latest on our Facebook page - see here

If you are ready to make a submission, please do not hesitate and do one of the following:
•email – council@shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au
•post - General Manager, Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42 Nowra NSW 2541
•online - go to the Shoalhaven City Council website (www.shoalhaven.nsw.gov.au), click on “DA Tracking” on the right hand side of the front page, enter RA14/1000 - click on show, scroll all the way down the page to the “contact us about this application” button. You will also see all the submitted project information here."

27-02-2016, 10:05 AM
I really want this to happen but I can't understand how they have gone this far without having committed to at least a decent idea of how the track is going to be...

Sure, you can my support but for what? A 2.5Kms oval track or a 3.5kms 14 turns track? I'm obviously exaggerating but in reality I have no idea what I'd be supporting or not. We really need another track in NSW and even though I'd prefer to see it built North of Sydney instead of South, I don't think that perhaps getting 2-3 different layouts as examples of what they're planning to build is asking too much.

Little Mick
28-02-2016, 05:36 AM
I have seen layouts proposed sobthey exisr. They should be with the council DA. Have rhry not posted them?

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28-02-2016, 10:10 AM
They've posted "artist impressions" and mentioned a track between 2.5 to 3.5Kms... That to me is like saying "I'll sell you a 600, she's good... she puts out somewhere between 80-130hp". It might be great but there's a 50% chance it will also be very underwhelming.

01-03-2016, 05:15 PM
I wrote an email to the General Manager of the Shoalhaven Council in support of the track today.

The DA is to be decided this week so time is of the essence.


Personally, I think any new track is better than nothing.

The more they here from road racers the better chance we have of getting a decent tarmac circuit.

So sitting back to see what happens is not going to help.

Full Disclosure: I have absolutely no involvement in this project. I am just an enthusiast who wants more tracks in this state.

I retrieved this from the DA Tracker. You can get an idea of the proposed length by looking at the width of the vegetation buffer which is labelled as 50m.

01-03-2016, 05:28 PM
Couldn't agree more. Email sent

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02-03-2016, 11:23 AM
I just found this buried in the DA.
The revised master plan.


02-03-2016, 03:43 PM
I just found this buried in the DA.
The revised master plan.


looks good, does it state if it runs clockwise or anticlockwise?
clockwise would mean a big pit wall as you turn into the straight ala Wacky

02-03-2016, 03:54 PM
looks good, does it state if it runs clockwise or anticlockwise?
clockwise would mean a big pit wall as you turn into the straight ala Wacky

You'd assume anticlockwise given the big run off on the eastern most corner. Doesn't look like much run off anywhere else though really. But only an early submission hopefully it's something they think all the way through. Would be a fun enough layout.

02-03-2016, 04:06 PM
Email sent.If this doesnt fly it looks pretty grim as far as any other tracks happening.I was under the impression that part of closing Oran Park was that they were set on a new track.Probably some Ian McDonald/Eddie Obeid dodgy deal.

02-03-2016, 04:45 PM
looks good, does it state if it runs clockwise or anticlockwise?
clockwise would mean a big pit wall as you turn into the straight ala Wacky
I had a bit of a read but couldn't find any references to the direction. There are a lot of documents on the site...didn't check them all. I'm not a fan of walls either.

02-03-2016, 05:26 PM
You'd assume anticlockwise given the big run off on the eastern most corner. Doesn't look like much run off anywhere else though really. But only an early submission hopefully it's something they think all the way through. Would be a fun enough layout.

Good find, BR! Yeah looks anticlockwise to me too...

02-03-2016, 07:29 PM
I just got this reply from them...

"Hi Bernie
At this stage we are not married to any design or direction as it will depend on the allowable land space we are provided and how we can fit in the circuit with the appropriate run off areas. Our indicative plan is anti-clockwise but that could change quite easily."

and this...
"I can assure you no walls on outside of turns, plenty of run off....."

04-03-2016, 07:20 PM
Received a reply from the council acknowledging that they got my email.Has an interesting attachment of the process the submission has to go through.If I was on a pc I'd post it up.

04-03-2016, 07:24 PM
Received a reply from the council acknowledging that they got my email.Has an interesting attachment of the process the submission has to go through.If I was on a pc I'd post it up.

Got the same reply worked biggest flow chats

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04-03-2016, 07:44 PM
Yep.More twists and turns than the track layout!

26-06-2016, 08:51 AM

26-06-2016, 09:02 AM
Drool..... I only hope I'm not too old and decrepit to experience it!!!

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26-06-2016, 09:32 AM
It'd already be too late then... :fencing:

26-06-2016, 09:38 AM
Drool..... I only hope I'm not too old and decrepit to experience it!!!

And me tooooo

It'd already be too late then...

And me tooooo ... really

26-06-2016, 10:15 AM
Your only as old as your lap times.

26-06-2016, 12:44 PM
It'd already be too late then... :fencing:



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26-06-2016, 01:17 PM
Your only as old as your lap times.

Unfortunately for me, that's not much help!! You, on the other hand, just keep getting younger and younger. :thumb:

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26-06-2016, 03:17 PM
I can't wait.. Stay down the night before then bam... First one at the gates!!!!!