View Full Version : ASBK in 2014

24-12-2013, 07:03 AM
Anyone else thinking of running in ASBK next year?? The calendar has been released, and for 600s it's a 5 round championship with no Sydney round :( Superbikes get an extra round with the V8s.

I was always planning on running ASBK this year. However I reckon that it needs one more year being run into the ground by MA and Konsky before it gets an overhaul, and I reckon 2014 will have record-low grid numbers etc. So I'm a bit torn..... on the one hand, I don't want to support a crap series, and on the other hand I'm not getting any younger! And I want the challenge of competing with the fast boys.

Thoughts? Anyone interested? What about the new 300 proddie class?? I'm very tempted to run a 300 for the extra track time, seeing as the ASBK rounds are a looooong way to travel, and the new format hasn't been released yet, but the complaint previously was always the lack of track time. Sophie Lovett runs a 250 proddie (probably a 300 next year) and her ZX10 in Pro Stock.

Calendar: http://www.fluidpr.com.au/emailmarketer/display.php?M=32184&C=b1715310bdce7feded1d8f886f129e5d&S=1107&L=73&N=1144

24-12-2013, 07:25 AM
I reckon you should just try your hand it in anyway..

what's the point of waiting and waiting and it possibly might not even change for next year!

I might not be ready for FOz but am going to try my hand in a couple of rounds this year :bathbaby:

Little Mick
24-12-2013, 07:40 AM
Whatever series you run, I think having a 300 for doubledipping is a must if you can afford it.. I think they will have good fields for the 300 as its much more affordable - and realistically, doesnt cost much more on top of the initial outlay for the first chair racing...

I will probably drop into a few FOz rounds and maybe some St G rounds depends on lifes turns this year..

24-12-2013, 08:14 AM
Agree re waiting till the series is run into the ground. I was seriously considering selling the 6 and racing 300s but with the calendar the way it is it would be ridiculous... As a second bike to give you more track time it's definitely A LOT more attractive. Plus it means there's less chance of going all the way to <insert your round far away from Sydney here> crashing out on the qually (knock on wood) and driving back home if you don't have a spare bike.

24-12-2013, 09:02 AM
yes you will get more track time riding 300's, seconds a lap more track time lol lol

24-12-2013, 11:52 AM
yes you will get more track time riding 300's, seconds a lap more track time lol lol

Haha, yes this is true.

What are you talking about Baddie, I mean Ed??

There are two series you can run a 300?

24-12-2013, 12:50 PM
I meant the 600 + 300 scenario instead of just doing the 300 cup, wetty... I mean, Rick! :p

24-12-2013, 12:59 PM
I meant the 600 + 300 scenario instead of just doing the 300 cup, wetty... I mean, Rick! :p

Lol. Sorry, I misunderstood. My badd......ie

24-12-2013, 03:26 PM
No sWEaT... ty


24-12-2013, 03:29 PM
You guys crack me up ;)

It's good that both FX and ASBK have embraced the 300 class for 2014. I was a bit worried ASBK would stick with 250s, which would've meant separate bikes for each series.

I am building a Ninja 300 racebike (actually two of them) to make available for sale for the 2014 season. :thumb:

24-12-2013, 03:43 PM
Fark ... spoiled for choices ... "Everyone's going 300 crazy in 2014" ... Nick, what else are you building in that shed of yours?

I'm keen for a tracked Ninga 300 ... loads of fun ...

24-12-2013, 03:50 PM
Sponsor me NICK!!!!!!!! ill have ago on the 300, must be easier than the r6 and the 250 2 stroke! :laugh:

24-12-2013, 03:53 PM
Hey great idea... saves me some bloody money ;)

24-12-2013, 04:12 PM
You guys crack me up ;)

It's good that both FX and ASBK have embraced the 300 class for 2014. I was a bit worried ASBK would stick with 250s, which would've meant separate bikes for each series.

I am building a Ninja 300 racebike (actually two of them) to make available for sale for the 2014 season. :thumb:

How many rounds between them? The only thing I'm a bit worried about the 300 is the regular track day... as I'd have to drop to yellow or something, I reckon.

24-12-2013, 07:26 PM
How many rounds between them? The only thing I'm a bit worried about the 300 is the regular track day... as I'd have to drop to yellow or something, I reckon.

Something like a dozen rounds all up, Ed (waiting on FX calendar for confirmation). But I reckon they will be like a 125gp bike at trackdays - amazing corner speed cos they are so light, and so what if you're slower on the straight bits! People that've punted one of the Ninja 250s around have raved about how fun they are. So I reckon you'd still be fine in Red on one.

24-12-2013, 07:29 PM
Nick, what else are you building in that shed of yours?

Well, the two 300s for a start. Another R6 is nearing completion (quite well equipped, this one). And I've got a new purchase that I'm picking up from EC on the 4th, which I'm rather excited about. But this one isn't a project; it's already ready-to-run. Oh yeah, it's an R6, so no, I haven't bought a ZX10 or anything silly like that!

24-12-2013, 07:58 PM
Yes Nick...What did you buy..:bounce:

24-12-2013, 08:08 PM
Yes Nick...What did you buy..:bounce:

Shhhh. It's not in my garage yet (although I have paid for it). So I'm biding my time.....

24-12-2013, 08:43 PM
Why no zx10??

They would be so much fun! I want one just for fun on track days.

24-12-2013, 10:03 PM
Oh yeah, it's an R6, so no, I haven't bought a ZX10 or anything silly like that!

It's nearly as fast as a ZX10! Apparently it only has 15HP less than my ZX10 and it's only a 600!:eek::shocked:

24-12-2013, 10:06 PM
I think I know that bike ;) very nice it is too

04-02-2014, 07:32 PM
So, back on topic, it really now seems inevitable that ASBK is dead, for at least this year and I'll go out on a limb and say until the board and CEO of MA are replaced. No factory teams, a 'reduced schedule' which will wither up into 'none at all' before we ever get on track......

So it seems that FX will win by default. Which would be ok if it wasn't for the crazy rules and weird scheduling (race weekends are now a mandatory 3 days, with qualifying on Friday I am told - although I'm yet to read the new rules myself). Thoughts??


04-02-2014, 07:37 PM
Well Phil didn't give Maxwell a ride this year so I think Suzuki will not continue.

I believe Team Honda will go over to ASC.

Seems like Terry is taking over or riders are voting with their entries.

Little Mick
04-02-2014, 07:49 PM
So, back on topic, it really now seems inevitable that ASBK is dead, for at least this year and I'll go out on a limb and say until the board and CEO of MA are replaced. No factory teams, a 'reduced schedule' which will wither up into 'none at all' before we ever get on track......

So it seems that FX will win by default. Which would be ok if it wasn't for the crazy rules and weird scheduling (race weekends are now a mandatory 3 days, with qualifying on Friday I am told - although I'm yet to read the new rules myself). Thoughts??


Can read them here Marshy.. http://www.formula-xtreme.com.au/xtremema.nsf/ae002b388f9db369ca2574ed00200523/0966629ef1194192ca257c360017a453?opendocument

Yes its 3 day with Qualy on Friday, but you can choose to start from rear afield on the Saturday, and Sunday is potentially linked to Saturday (at time of initial communication.) Terry was soliciting feedback from racers into the format as its how we ran the last round of FX last year. Most people were there for all 3 days for every round they entered so qualifying after you had been on the bike and settled in for a few sessions worked well for those of us that tend to fall over in the first session....

I think its an improvement but it may affect others differently...

04-02-2014, 08:18 PM
I think its an improvement but it may affect others differently...

Actually I completely agree, Mick. I've never not done a Friday practice for any meet that they were available for. Often they are my favourite day of the weekend on track. But I was chatting to a race regular tonight and he mentioned that it would adversely affect his costs and work schedule.

04-02-2014, 10:50 PM
It will suck for shift workers and ppl whose jobs won't allow them to take the Friday off... unfortunately, "motorcycle racer "is not a career that will keep your balance in the positive till you've made it big time and those doing club rounds haven't! I've met a lot of guys that actually struggle to get the full Saturday off already, so when you add the Friday to the mix I think that pretty much rules them out.

14-02-2014, 04:50 PM
In news out today, MA are making a concerted push to save ASBK. It's down to 3 rounds only, plus free entry and a bunch of prize money on offer. Oh, and the control tyre deal with Pirelli recently announced has been scrapped. And there's a 'Formula Oz' class.

Looks like the plan to do ASBK this year is back on.....


14-02-2014, 05:41 PM
In news out today, MA are making a concerted push to save ASBK. It's down to 3 rounds only, plus free entry and a bunch of prize money on offer. Oh, and the control tyre deal with Pirelli recently announced has been scrapped. And there's a 'Formula Oz' class.

Looks like the plan to do ASBK this year is back on.....


And just now cycleonline made this statement

In the article we refer to the recent announcement regarding the raft of changes announced by MA and IEG earlier this week. Well, apparently MA's communications department knows nothing about that announcement (even though their logo is on it and there are comments from the president) and we should take nothing as official until MA's releases information directly. Brilliant!

14-02-2014, 08:13 PM
why is everything in Australia an embarrassment compared to the rest of the world?

14-02-2014, 08:35 PM
Well I think TON is heading in the right direction

14-02-2014, 08:45 PM
"TON" another abbreviation one is expected to know

14-02-2014, 08:45 PM
Yes Terry O Neil

14-02-2014, 09:41 PM
He's only had 20 years of trying, and still hasn't got it right. It's not that he's doing anything better, it's just that the other mob are worse.

My previous thoughts on that subject: http://www.tarmactalk.com/forum/showthread.php?360-St-George-2014-calendar&p=5188&viewfull=1#post5188

15-02-2014, 07:46 AM
Has there ever in the history of man kind been two successful competing series of any sport,ever?Im yet to see it.Superleague/ARL ,Indy/CART,it always ends in tears.They need to pull there heads out of there asses before there is nothing left.Buggered if I know how either series manages to survive when no one is watching.

16-02-2014, 10:06 PM
Really is just embarrassing :(