View Full Version : 2017 Calendar updated

28-11-2016, 10:59 AM
Hi all, the 2017 calendar has been updated (as much as possible so far, with known dates). If you see anything missing, please feel free to add it in.

Personally, I find it invaluable to have all the race and track day events easily viewable on an interactive calendar. I hope it's useful. The only thing it can't do is auto-populate your wife's calendar on your fridge at home. But at least it makes it easier to enter important track day dates onto the fridge calendar ;)

There's a link at the top of every page called 'Calendar'. Here: http://tarmactalk.com/forum/calendar.php

28-11-2016, 11:31 AM
The only thing it can't do is auto-populate your wife's calendar on your fridge at home. But at least it makes it easier to enter important track day dates onto the fridge calendar ;)

Is that directed at anyone in particular [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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28-11-2016, 11:34 AM
Nope, but just about every married person I've talked to has a fridge calendar, with some variation of "if it's not in the calendar, it's not happening". Me included, while I was married. I learned the hard way.

28-11-2016, 11:53 AM
If you see anything missing, please feel free to add it in.

Provisional BEARS National calendar - NB Mount Gambier @ Easter and Hidden Valley in Aug

April 14/16 Mac Pk
Mt Gambier (Easter)

May? Morgan Pk
M/C Sportsmen
No date offered
Traditionally held May

Aug 1/6 Hidden Valley

Aug 26/27 Phillip Island
Preston MCC

Oct 7/8 Eastern Creek
St George

Nov 11/12 Broadford
Preston MCC

28-11-2016, 12:13 PM
I already got the 2017 dates on the fridge [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
"If it's not on the fridge, it's not happening" [emoji1414]

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28-11-2016, 01:32 PM
Nice one! I know that FX is at SMSP on 7-9 April and 3-5 Nov...

28-11-2016, 06:13 PM
Any chance of getting the Calendar phone compatible ??? Or do I need to fire up PC?

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28-11-2016, 06:45 PM
Hmmm, not sure why it's not opening in Tapatalk. But if you click on the link above with your phone (even in Tapatalk) it'll open in Safari, which is small but usable.

28-11-2016, 07:39 PM
Nope, but just about every married person I've talked to has a fridge calendar, with some variation of "if it's not in the calendar, it's not happening". Me included, while I was married. I learned the hard way.

ain't that the truth ;-)

28-11-2016, 07:40 PM
ST George back to 3 rounds :-(
FX and or Vic rounds might be the go next year

29-11-2016, 04:50 AM
ST George back to 3 rounds :-(
FX and or Vic rounds might be the go next year

I know, right? Jan will bang on about us being our own worst enemies by not heavily attending away rounds like Broadford and PI, whilst ignoring the realities about the chosen dates and the freezing conditions. It's a shame tho. They might lose the Honda sponsorship.

29-11-2016, 08:31 AM
I know, right? Jan will bang on about us being our own worst enemies by not heavily attending away rounds like Broadford and PI, whilst ignoring the realities about the chosen dates and the freezing conditions. It's a shame tho. They might lose the Honda sponsorship.

Would the Sydney siders be more interested in single race days at WP at better times of year? Maybe on 2 or 3 different weekends? If that opened up better dates seems to me it would be the better idea. Obviously there are dates available as FXRRC was able to get em.

29-11-2016, 08:38 AM
Might be another date for st george yet, later in the year, we see what happens.. Also asked re the possibility of an endurance race at EC, this wasnt dismissed out of hand so if enough people show interest who knows

29-11-2016, 11:30 AM
Think some people need to just race at the meetings provided. Rain, hail, shine. Would help out the club that allows you to race in the state you live in anyway, since they still put on the meeting.

29-11-2016, 12:01 PM
Think some people need to just race at the meetings provided. Rain, hail, shine. Would help out the club that allows you to race in the state you live in anyway, since they still put on the meeting.

But really with the insane price of the race weekend at WP this year im not surprised people wont go, $505 for a WP weekend when EC is the same price is nuts. StG and just screwing those few who do turn up to the WP round harder instead of attempting to solve the problem of why there are so few turning up.

29-11-2016, 12:08 PM
there are so few turning up because people dont like to get their toes wet or if the track isnt perfect and wont generate perfect sunshine weather pb laptime track conditions.

29-11-2016, 02:35 PM
Can you blame them?? If it was something like one race in summer and one in winter at WP, I could accept it and agree with you when ppl didn't turn up... but when EVERY RACE MEETING there is held during months everyone knows it will be cold, you have to wonder

29-11-2016, 04:20 PM
A motorcycle club is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to securing dates for the tracks. They get what they can, so race it when they do get a date.

29-11-2016, 04:53 PM
That's the whole thing... if it's the same price for everyone why are we at the bottom of the pile? Why do we have to race on dates everyone else thinks is no good? And still be happy about it??

Don't get me wrong, I'll race there in winter if it comes to it... but I'm not gonna pretend like it's not the shittiest time of the year to be there and act glad just cause we're allowed to use the track when no one else wants it. If they're doing me a favor by letting me race there, then I don't expect to pay for it.

29-11-2016, 05:36 PM
there are so few turning up because people dont like to get their toes wet or if the track isnt perfect and wont generate perfect sunshine weather pb laptime track conditions.

Just wait until the cold bites you, Carl. I destroyed my ankle on a fast-cooling track at Wakefield, and it has permanently soured the place for me. It's really really easy to SAY 'just ride to the conditions' but the number of people that have been hospitalised solely due to the circuit conditions is insane. You simply don't get that at the Creek. I'm not saying every track has to be rainbows and unicorns, but until you have spent weeks in a hospital bed, undergoing surgeries, been on crutches etc etc etc can you PLEASE stop carrying on like having a serious accident is a choice. Or that it's not, well, serious. A major injury is about the worst thing life can throw at someone, and until you've experienced it, you don't know just how shit it is. Plus being off work, missing mortgage payments, trying to get the kids to school etc etc.

Honestly mate, you know I luv ya, but this is ridiculous. I'm not afraid of getting my toes wet, or riding in conditions that won't generate a pb. But I really really really really really really don't want to get seriously injured again. And Wakefield in winter is a serious accident waiting to happen, again.

29-11-2016, 05:40 PM
A motorcycle club is at the bottom of the pile when it comes to securing dates for the tracks. They get what they can, so race it when they do get a date.

I call bullshit. Jan submits the same date requests every year. There's almost no consideration for different dates. Remember that the club has a gazillion dirt bike meets through the year, and use the same volunteers, so the club needs road race dates that are available, plus don't clash with dirt bike events, plus don't clash with the committee's overseas holidays, plus don't clash with the committee's family commitments, etc. Don't get me wrong, these are all valid reasons, but please don't simply assume that the club is treated poorly. This year TON got THREE race meeting dates at the Creek.

29-11-2016, 05:48 PM
I know I risk burning at the cross for even suggesting this but... if that's the case, has any other club ever been approached to maybe start a road race series? I mean, there are heaaaaaps of dirt bike clubs... surely ONE of them might be interested? I honestly have no hate for StGeorge (and I'm very keen on TON's AM Sport) but a little competition might be just what the doctor recommended.

29-11-2016, 06:05 PM
Problem with that is for a club that hasn't run a road race event before there are a lot of hurdles. The biggest is manpower to organize & run the day. Plus its a massive risk on their part to get enough riders to make it work.
You would also alienate St George . Maybe if St G. were approached with "our grievences " & suggestions it would be more attainable ?
Just saying

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29-11-2016, 06:44 PM
The problem with a club is that it's a club. Everyone is a volunteer, and bless their cotton socks for doing so!! But it's a lot of work for, frankly, a lot of heartache (few of them seem very happy to be there, most of the time). It's a wonder anyone does it at all.

Even less than 10 years ago there were heaps more motorcycle clubs, most of them running race meets and interclubs etc. But they gradually fell by the wayside, as the number of tracks dried up, volunteers lost interest, and the costs skyrocketed. Running a race meet at Oran Park, for example, was heaps cheaper than at the Creek. Hell, running a race meet at the Creek was also heaps cheaper, because there was competition between tracks, weekends weren't booked out a year in advance, and there were lots of riders.

A typical two-day race meeting at the Creek (Sat/Sun) currently runs about $70k. If the club get biiiig numbers, they might make $8-10k, which they lose on 'away' rounds, or if there's a small turnout for whatever reason. An average weekend maybe breaks even. The dirt bike racing subsidises the road racing to a certain extent.

St George are just the last club standing. And they've had the same people running it, more or less, since Noah was thinking about a career change. They don't WANT to change, despite their occasional and feeble protests to the contrary. They like their social club meetings every fortnight at their local bowling club. It's their social club, that also happens to put on race meetings from time to time. They'd definitely be willing to listen to suggestions, but unless you also propose who, how and when, and strictly commit to following through, it ain't gonna happen.

Who's actually been to a committee meeting? All are welcome, and they'll listen to any suggestions. Nobody much proposes anything.... we just bitch online and assume they read everything on the interwebs (and considering the road race secretary is approaching 80 years old, how au fait with computers and social media do you think she is)?

30-11-2016, 10:59 AM
:) ive been to a meeting or 2........also had a good chat to all of them at the presentation last weekend, was a constructive talk about the club and racing and all of us. They have our racing at heart and like Nick said its a heartless task. Its the only club that organises race meetings not for profit ( just because they love it ). I have no axe to grind re who anyone races with, Ive done heaps with loads of organisations, some in this country some in others. I would say, attend the meetings or at least one or 2. Offer to help the club anyway you can. Offer suggestions on improvements as Nick has and others have. This way we might just get to have race meetings to go to, or at least options of choosing different race meetings :) As for the weather LOL I would say dont go club racing in the UK ;) Carl has seen me go through all of this and more over the years, rain, sleet, snow, ice, occasional sun !! yup it sometimes gets luke warm in northern england. Ill take a wet cold day in PI anytime over some of the conditions in the UK. I found PI and Broadford to be extermely grippy no matter what the conditions were, however EC and Wakey can catch you out when its cold. I guess they both need resurfacing. Practice starts for the novice groups practice session was discussed and thought kindly of, 3 across the grid was discussed and again thought kindly of .
Anyways, have fun wherever you race....

And a note to the racer who ranted and raved and was abusive to the ladies in the office...... your an asshole and your lucky myself and a few others were not aware that is all

Had a thought re those racers that constantly go to the grid and do not know their grid spot ( assuming grids were posted ) I thought grid them wherever is safe for that race then next race they will grid at the back.. problem sorted they wont make that lazy error again..it slows down the day and seemed totally reasonable to me ( note.. if its me they catch there is a disclaimer im old and have Alzheimers ) !

30-11-2016, 11:47 AM
Re major injuries you know i am not talking about you Nick. Yes i havnt been injured in a crash yet (ive had a few, maybe i crash well), and yes i know people like you Nick, Mick Kang, Mick James have had huge crashes, hell David Bourne broke his back at the creek in T1. I can and have seen the effects of a big crash, lived with them too (Stu has had more than his fair share of huge crashes and bad injuries that he recovered from while i was growing up). But those people have a reason and it is completely reasonable to not chance that again on a suspect weather condition race weekend.

But im talking about the others, why do they not turn up to wakefield? All they ever hear is its bumpy, its shit, theres no grip... Pretty sure everyone at the last St G meeting at wakefield and the state titles ( both the same group of riders ) had an awesome time, even with the track conditions at State titles where i crashed twice trying to push too much. I havnt had a bad time at wakfield ever, even when i put myself upside down after a highside on t4 at the 4 hour (only scrape was the helmet on the tarmac, everything else was untouched until i squashed the shoulder slider into the mud landing, so i went a long way up and was lucky to avoid injury)

Yes im 22, when i crash big, im sure my body will bounce back a bit easier than some of you guys, i have no dependents and a few other things. But i will turn up to any race event i can be it rain or dry because i want to race and support the club that organises the meeting, and i think i can say the same thing for Stu who does have kids, job, mortgage etc. We have regular in depth conversations with the club officials and we propose changes, some of which do make it into action and some do get missed. There's alot of crap going on behind the scenes with track hire, organisers, licensing etc And with how often St G has to fight for dates, why wouldnt they lock in the dates they know they can secure?

And to talk about dirtbike meets, they dont have that many, how do i know? Because i raced dirt track with them for a few years. Most events are in conjunction with other clubs so they have the man power to run the event and also to drag competitors out of the woodwork. They've had to cancel a few rounds due to too low entry numbers (20 riders was the last round i think). With maybe 4 rounds a year.

And you do realise that officials of the club have cancelled holidays, family commitments etc in the past because there wouldnt have been enough officials to run the meetings for you.

So back to the question. Why dont people turn up to the race meetings that arnt Eastern Creek? ( presuming they hanvt had serious injuries)

30-11-2016, 12:05 PM
So back to the question. Why dont people turn up to the race meetings that arnt Eastern Creek? ( presuming they hanvt had serious injuries)

We are really only talking Wakefield, because there are too many other variables comparing EC to interstate rounds

Wakefield Park is a goat track compared to EC (I like goat tracks because they make you better else where, but a lot of others don't think so);
A 2 hour drive is too far for some precious people;
Extra cost of 1-2 nights accommodation;
Increased risk of a crash (my crash rate is about 1000% higher at wakefield than EC);
Same cost of racing at EC with far better facilities;
It might be harder for some to get the whole weekend off looking after kids etc, rather than the wknd at EC where the missus can come by and you go home every night;


30-11-2016, 12:15 PM
Would a 1 day meeting be better for people ? re time and family commitments, we can suggest this to the club

30-11-2016, 12:29 PM
Re not turning up to interstate meetings I can only give my 2c which sort of falls in line with what Simon said re costs but in my case, being a one man band, there's also the collateral that comes if I get hurt... when I broke my collarbone at Wakey I had to have my gf and in laws drive down to pick me up and drive my car back to Sydney. If that had happened at PI I'd be pretty screwed. On top of that, interstate usually also means at least one day off to account for the driving and that's a day I don't get paid.

Having said that, those are the risks and I'm willing to take them... so basically it comes down to costs for me.

Like I said before, I have no beef with StGeorge and if they need help, maybe they should reach out to members... I know I would/will help if asked. I also have no beef with Wakefield, love the place despite all its flaws. My only issue here is with the time of the year meetings get booked. I understand where Stu is coming from when he compares it his time in the UK but to me, it's really not the same thing. In the UK that's the weather you get... you can't control it. Here, there's a HUGE portion of the year where we don't have to take that risk, so to me it makes no sense that it's always the bikes that draw the short stick.

30-11-2016, 08:45 PM
Wakefield Park is a goat track compared to EC (I like goat tracks because they make you better else where, but a lot of others don't think so);
A 2 hour drive is too far for some precious people;

I'm surprised with how expensive SMSP ride days are that more people don't make the effort to get some practice at Wakefield. $145 for a weekday + fuel would still be cheaper than SMSP. And people won't get good riding Wakey without riding Wakey. I've seen people really struggle as the only time they ride the track is on a winter race day. Head down when it's warm, practice, learn the track and people will have less issues with it and would be more likely to race it hopefully.

Although I'm glad no-one does because it gives me a chance to gain back the points I lose at SMSP (except Carl who seems to have learnt the ways of Wakefield)

01-12-2016, 07:07 AM
I'm surprised with how expensive SMSP ride days are that more people don't make the effort to get some practice at Wakefield. $145 for a weekday + fuel would still be cheaper than SMSP. And people won't get good riding Wakey without riding Wakey. I've seen people really struggle as the only time they ride the track is on a winter race day. Head down when it's warm, practice, learn the track and people will have less issues with it and would be more likely to race it hopefully.

absolutely, but when they wont put on many weekend ride days, taking a day off work to go down there mid-week is more expensive then riding at EC on a weekend

01-12-2016, 08:07 AM
I quite like wakie as well, I've crashed a bit there but touchwood, nothing to serious as yet. I fully understand choosing not to race there if you have.

At Wakie though over the past year or so, since Ton parted ways. The ride days have been so lowly attended they merge novice / beginners and fast/race even two weekends ago a dry Saturday after the new 2017 prices at Stay upright were released, groups were merged.
Bonus is you get 15 min on track 15 off. You can do 8 sessions by 1pm and head home. Last time I was there (admittedly it was wet mid week) I had the track to myself for two full sessions.

Down side is if attendance stays like it is, they won't run bike days and EC will have a total monopoly until (if) some of these proposed new tracks are up and running.

Then if there are no ride days, St George will be hard pressed to get a race weekend slot, if they do who'll race there in the cold with little or no track knowledge??? Some, but I suspect not many.

I'm sure if wakie were approached by St George they could / would schedule some "summer" race's, if for nothing more than to get riders down for ride day practice prior. The more you ride there the better it seems, and the more likely you would be to race in the cold if you had to.

I can't fault St George at all. I know I'm two hard pressed for time to assist but just my 2c on Wakefield

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